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OG Academic Math is known as a therapeutic approach because lessons are adapted to the best learning style and strength of each student. The approach carries through to each lesson, each day. Students find they are enjoying math because math concepts become crystal clear to them within a short period of time. Parents find that students benefit most if they begin math help early on before students become discouraged. Math success provides a reprieve from stress that shows in even more positive results in other subjects. Math is a sequential subject. Students who struggle with math often question themselves as to why they cannot understand a subject that many others find easy. When Math becomes successful and comfortable for them, they know other subjects will follow. Confidence is built on math competence and it transfers to other subjects such as Science, Social Studies and English because the logical patterns in them become clearer with practice.
Marilyn Wardrop is a gifted trainer & mentor who helps educators replace or surpass their current math teaching strategies for struggling math students or those children learning math for the first time. Marilyn’s OG Academic Math training programs have been called the secret weapon of frustrated math instructors. Thousands of educators use OG Math every single day.